MacKenzie Wilson MacKenzie Wilson

LeTourneau University

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Started: Spring 2020

Where: Longview, Texas

TD: Natalie Connelly

Why Delight: At the end of my freshman year the Lord planted a small seed about leading a girls small group. There was a bud chapter on our campus and I thought it was great that they had Christ centered community, but if I am being honest, I was not going after it for myself. And the thought of leading a women’s ministry was so far out of the question for me. I was paralyzed by public speaking and my inconsistency in the Word. I felt so unqualified. I straight up told God no. (Like really what was I thinking lol.) Over the summer God prepared me so much for Delight before I had even heard of it. He put this fire in me to pursue deeper relationships that were rooted in Christ on my campus. I had a shift in perspective to press into the place I was planted. Our chapter of Delight actually started off as a small group that just met in my dorm room once a week. But I really needed guidance and direction. I needed God. The process of leading a Delight forced me into COMPLETE DEPENDENCY on Him to provide. AND HE DID! And he has over and over again. I remembered the seed the Lord had planted and quickly found Delight. I have been so blessed by this ministry ever since! There were a lot of times where fear & doubt started to creep in because it became so real so fast. I was a million miles past my comfort zone. But each time God reminded me how his plans were greater than my fears. That He is greater. But He is also personal & present and sees me. All of me; and He still called me by name! God is so good! Leading a Delight has honestly changed my college experience & helped push my faith. But my favorite part is seeing Jesus meeting each of our girls exactly where they are at. It is so pure & so special. I am so grateful for Delight & how it is impacting our corner of Texas!

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LeTourneau University SAD Team 4.jpeg

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MacKenzie Wilson MacKenzie Wilson

Kent State University

This is a test sentence to test the space of the website.

Kent State SAD Team.jpeg

Started:  Fall 2019!

Where: Kent, Ohio

TD: Katie Sullivan

How have you grown as a leader since leading Delight? 

Being a part of Delight leadership here at Kent State has allowed me to learn what it looks like to serve selflessly and pray boldly. I’ve learned that being a Christ-like leader at delight means trusting the Spirit and surrendering control. This is His ministry and I am incredibly thankful for the opportunity to give my life away for His name sake. Putting in the extra time behind the scenes to plan intentional events can lead to opportunities for girls to experience Jesus for the first time! I have been so humbled by the number of times that the Lord has shown up at Delight and chooses to use us broken people to further His kingdom! Constantly in awe of His faithfulness

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MacKenzie Wilson MacKenzie Wilson

Methodist University


Started: Spring 2020

Where: Fayetteville, North Carolina

TD: Blythe Best

How has God moved in your chapter?

When I first told my best friend, Taylor, that we should start a Delight chapter on our campus, we didn’t know what to expect. We didn’t know if girls would actually come, what it would look like, or if it was going to manageable on top of our already extremely busy schedules. We shared these concerns, but gave all of them to God because we knew He was going to use this ministry to do something BIG!

Let me tell you, God SHOWED UP and completely exceeds our expectations (that is so like Him, am I right?!). A group of girls came together to form our leadership team, a local church supplied books for chapter (THANK YOU, girls came, relationships were formed, and we went through the book of John together. this study was life-changing and we got to see this scripture in a whole new light!

Everyone’s in-person semesters were cut short, but our chapter was still able to meet every week virtually! Although it wasn’t how we would prefer to meet, we loved being able to continue to build the relationships with each other and the Lord week to week.

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Methodist University SAD Team 2.jpg
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