Ohio State University
Meet Delight @ OHIO State
➜ When: Mondays @ 7:00PM
➜ Where: The Ohio Union
➜ Instagram: @delightohiostate
➜ How to Join: Reach out through Instagram DMs

a look inside our chapter
“Delight means invitation. Invitation for friendship and community, but also God’s presence. Delight fosters the space for Jesus’ presence to be made known on campus, and the invitation is always open.”
“Our first priority is to make sure that every single girl who walks through the door is acknowledged and welcomed. This plays a key role in making the atmosphere of our meetings a place where the Holy Spirit is present and there is a sense of intentionality. At Ohio State, we have the opportunity to work with other organizations on campus to engage in the topics of diversity and inclusion. We believe everyone is created in God’s image and we each have a unique purpose in this world.”
“Delight isn’t all about the pink, the cute merch or the aesthetic, it’s about JESUS. Joining delight gives you the space to be vulnerable without fear of being judged or excluded. You have a seat with your name on it, and you are welcome to His table.”

“We pride ourselves in the importance of recognizing that each leader brings their unique talents and qualities to contribute to our leadership team. We strive to focus on making Jesus known on our campus, regardless of how many girls attend our meetings. It’s all about Jesus and making Heaven crowded!”
Taylor McCutcheon
Team Director
Gabby Besse
Team Director
Sarah Grace Smith
Olivia Willeke
Cami Mohler
Social Media Coordinator
Alyssa Sharp
Delight Dates Coordinator
Gracie Woodruff
New Member Delegator
Sarah Haysley
Fellowship Advisor
Fiona Brown Fellowship Advisor
Baillie Donley Community Coordinator